Commissioners Seek Applicants | County of Missoula
Commissioners Seek Applicants | County of Missoula
Commissioners Seek Applicants for PotentialCommunity Councilin Clinton
The Missoula County commissioners are now accepting letters of intentfor a potentialcommunity council in the Clinton area. Letters of intentare availablehereand are due Monday, Jan. 30. Applicantsmust be registered votersin Missoula County who livewithinthe boundaries of the Clinton School District.
The commissioners approved a resolution of intent at their Jan. 12 public meeting to establish the process to create a Clinton Community Council.If formed, the council would advise the commissioners on issues affecting the Clinton area.
To form the council, the commissioners must receive at least eight letters of intent from Clinton-area residents who are willing to file as a candidate in a community council election. If the commissioners receive eight or more letters of intent by Jan. 30, they will voteon whether to put thequestion on the ballot for the May 2special district election.If voters approve establishingthe council, the commissioners will appoint the initial councilfrom the letters of intent submitted, with members chosen by election thereafter.
The commissioners will take up the final resolution at 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, in the Sophie Moiese Room in the Missoula County Courthouse.The meeting agenda and informationon how tojoin virtually will be available at
Missoula County currently has seven community councils, which represent Bonner-Milltown, East Missoula, Evaro-Finley-O’Keefe, Lolo, Seeley Lake, Swan Valleyand West Valley.Council members act as liaisonsbetween the residentsof their communities and the countycommissioners to provideuseful and beneficial information related to decisions that affect the community.They also inform their residents of issues the commissioners are considering that may impact them, and they serve as a channel of communications with local, county, state and federal government officials and agencies regarding matters of concern to area residents. Community councils are advisory only and have no taxing or other governmental powers.Learn more here.
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